Linda Carey (Virginia) curriculum vitae
“I have traveled in Italy over the past decade and much of my work is my response to the timeless Italian landscape and painting legacy. I refer to myself as a painter, though my medium is primarily chalk pastel. The densely constructed color interactions of my pastels are what push them beyond drawing. Over the years, my appreciation for the idiom of pastel.the luminous glow of the pure unbinded pigment; the way it is drawing and painting at the same time; the smoky, dirty smudges against a crisp, hard line.has intensified. I have experimented in recent years with many different surfaces and methods, and feel I am still discovering the possibilities of the medium. My paintings are a record of my struggle to order and harmonize the image while constructing a convincing impression of space, form and light. My hope is that in the end, each pastel painting reaches a point of formal resolution and speaks to the mystery of human perception and memory." |